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Natural And Delicious Dog Treats For Reducing Anxiety

A nervous and anxious dog can make inviting guests and other unfamiliar situations difficult. Our treats are a wonderful way to calm them down, along with providing them with a nutritious snack.

Many people wrongly misdiagnose a dog as aggressive, when in fact they’re expressing fear and nervousness. Destructive behaviour is one of the various signs a dog is suffering from anxiety. Excessive barking and pacing are also common signs that your pet is having issues in this area.

There are various types of anxiety dogs struggle with. Many dogs suffer from separation anxiety and find it hard to comfort themselves when they’re left alone for any length of time. Others get anxious during thunderstorms or visits to the vet.

Here at Howl Natural our treats include those designed to soothe a dog’s anxiety.

One way to calm a dog down is to give them treats which contain hemp oil.

As with human beings, this ingredient is a safe way to reduce levels of anxiety in your dog. Our Organic Calming Dog Treats with hemp oil are highly healthy, containing no wheat, gluten, lactose and grains.

Suitable for all types of dogs, these treats are packed with benefits, including vitamins A, D and E. They are a wonderful way to calm down your dog during events like firework’s night.

If you’re looking for healthy dog treats for soothing anxiety, explore our latest collections today.